Financial Toolbox has worked with the Department of Communities and a range of specialists including Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand to develop Your Toolkit.
Your Toolkit is an online resource that provides information to assist women and children who have experienced domestic and family violence and financial abuse. It was built in consultation with women who have experienced domestic and family violence, and support workers and industry professionals who understand the needs of women and families experiencing abuse.
Your Toolkit provides information on personal finances as well as other relevant information to assist women facing domestic violence, such as safety planning and other available support services.
The information is divided in 4 steps; Prepare, Launch, Nourish and Flourish.
Prepare provides a checklist of things to do to help protect yourself while you are in an abusive relationship and you want to leave.
Launch contains information on keeping you and your children safe if you decide to leave. Details on matters such as emergency situations, violent restraining orders and emergency accommodation are outlined.
Nourish provides information about things you can do once you have left the abusive relationship to secure your finances and your future. This section includes information about Centrelink support, access to legal support and how to stay safe at home.
Flourish where you are moving on and building a new life, this step helps with budgeting, managing debts and becoming financially independent.
Financial Toolbox also runs workshops, support women at risk and support young women.
Follow the links to check out the resources and learn more about this fascinating project.
CCLSWA looks forward to working closely with Your Toolkit in the future.