Working for your financial and consumer rights

  Advice Line
Mon-Fri: 9am-4pm

This month we were shocked by news that the Government plans remove important consumer protections from Australian credit law.

As a strong supporter of responsible lending, Gemma advocated live on ABC Radio for the maintenance of responsible lending laws. She was also quoted in The West Australian as an expert warning against the move to axe the laws that protect people from unscrupulous lenders and intermediaries.

Follow the links in the newsletter to hear Gemma’s interview and read the media releases.

Following the recent disappointing decision from the Australian Competition Authority on solar companies conduct, we share with you a worrying case study of consumer harm caused by poor and unlawful selling practices in the solar panel industry. We encourage you to add your voice to the Stop the Debt Trap Alliance Campaign and join us in trying to protect consumers from unaffordable unregulated finance.

We are also thrilled to welcome our newest employee, Lydia Chua. Lydia previously volunteered with us and she has proven herself as a diligent and quality worker.

Click here to read the newsletter in full.




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