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Submission to the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Reference Committee Inquiry into the resolution of disputes with financial service providers within the justice system.

CCLSWA is pleased to have provided submissions to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Reference Committee on behalf of Western Australian consumers, regarding the difficulties faced when trying to exercise legal rights against financial service providers.

Our submission addresses:

  • whether banks generally behave in a way that meets community standards;
  • the accessibility and appropriateness of the current court system to resolve disputes with financial services providers fairly;
  • the role of AFCA as an alternative forum for resolving disputes; and
  • accessibility to community legal centres providing advice on financial matters.

In our submissions, we identify a number of areas where the current system is inadequate in ensuring that consumers have access to affordable and appropriate resolution processes and fails to ensure that satisfactory remedies are obtained.

CCLSWA also provides recommendations on how the financial and legal rights of consumers may be better protected going forward.

You can read the full submission here




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