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Senate Inquiry into Matters Relating to Credit Card Interest Rates

CCLSWA provided a submission to the inquiry by the Federal Senate Standing Committees on Economics into Matters Relating to Credit Card Interest Rates.

The submission focuses on the costs incurred by consumers resulting from the difference between cash rates and interest rates. In the submission CCLSWA refers to the issues faced by some of its clients to highlight the impact these costs can have on those with low incomes and mental illness. The submission also examines the effects of credit card ‘honeymoon periods’ and possible issues with payday lending that may arise if the problems with interest rates are not addressed.

Click to access a copy of CCLSWA’s Credit Card Interest Rate Submission (1766 downloads ) .

If you are having trouble meeting your credit card repayments, please call our advice line (08) 9221 7066.



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