Consumer Credit Legal Service (WA) Inc. is pleased to contribute to a joint submission on the Review of the Privacy (Credit Reporting) Code.
The review was conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) on behalf of the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.
The joint submission was coordinated by the Financial Rights Legal Service (NSW) and contained contributions from Australian Communications Consumer Action Network, Australian Privacy Foundation, Consumer Action Law Centre and Financial Counselling Australia along with CCLSWA. The submission addressed issues with the Credit Reporting Code, listed recommendations and suggested redrafts of relevant sections.
The joint submission included five case studies about real situations faced by some of CCLSWA’s clients.
Read the full submission here.
CCLSWA advises clients on consumer credit issues and often in relation to banking practices and credit reporting. For further information about credit reporting visit our Credit Files advice page.
If you require legal advice, please call our advice line on (08) 9221 7066 for a free confidential discussion.