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Joint Consumer Submission on the Treasury’s consultation on improving the Australian Consumer Law

CCLSWA was pleased to contribute to a joint consumer submission on the Treasury consultation on options for improving the effectiveness of the consumer guarantee and supplier indemnification provisions under the Australian Consumer Law.

The submission supports improvements to the Australian Consumer Law that ensure people will be able to better exercise their consumer guarantee rights. Currently consumers often do not receive a remedy that they are legally entitled to when they have issues with goods or services.

CCLSWA supports strengthening consumer guarantees rights as Western Australian consumers often spend considerable time and money trying to resolve their issues with businesses without success. When this occurs, under the current system, Western Australian consumers are left with court proceedings as their only option.

The joint submission discusses the options that Treasury had raised for consultation and ultimately recommends the introduction of a civil prohibition for failing to provide a consumer guarantee remedy.

Click here to read the joint submission in full.




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