Consumer Credit, Unconscionability and a Commissioner
On 10 September 2015, CCLSWA solicitors Curtis Ward and Georgina Molloy will present at the Piddington Society’s continuing professional development fundraiser.
They will join Aaron McDonald of Pragma Legal, and former ACCC Commissioner Sitesh Bhojani in discussing statutory unconscionable conduct and unconscionability since the Amadio case in relation to banking and financial matters. Mr Bhojani was appointed a Commissioner of the ACCC in 1995 and currently practices as a Barrister from Owen Dixon Chambers in Melbourne.
Event proceeds will go towards the Consumer Credit Legal Service (WA) and the Piddington Justice Project.
The seminar will take place at King & Wood Mallesons, Level 30, QV1 Building, 250 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000
Click Here to find out more and book your place.