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Farewell to AGS Secondee, Carla Kovacevic

On 18 December 2017, our Australian Government Solicitor Secondee, Carla Kovacevic finished her term with us after 4 years of being seconded to CCLSWA.

Over these 4 years, Carla has helped CCLSWA greatly. Her research and drafting have assisted CCLSWA to negotiate settlements, and lodge complaints with regulators. Carla also supported our volunteer training by supervising our volunteer paralegals if our solicitors were out of office.

She has worked with all of the solicitors, and together, they have produced some great work. We are sad to see her leave after 4 years, and will miss her greatly. After working with her for so long, we are happy and excited for all that she will continue to do. We also thank AGS for their continued support of CCLSWA through their pro-bono work.

Carla recently wrote about her placement at CCLSWA for the Australian Government Solicitor Magazine which you can read here. Our other Secondee, Sara Anicic, joining us again next year, also provided her reflections on her time at CCLSWA.



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