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On 17 February 2016, Consumer Credit Legal Service (WA) Inc. launched its upgraded website.

We were privileged to have The Hon. Michael Mischin MLC, Attorney General; Minister for Commerce officially launch our website at the Parliamentary Library in Parliament House, Perth.

Members of the Legislative Assembly, Members of the Legislative Council and our colleagues from the WA legal fraternity attended the launch.

The website is a work in progress as we strive to keep it relevant and user-friendly. Our website originally went live in 2012.  Since then, members of the public, clients, potential clients, financial counsellors, consumer advocates and workers from various other agencies have used our website for tips to deal with credit and consumer issues.

In June 2015, we started the upgrade work on our website. Now, more than 8 months on, it has evolved into an even more meaningful resource for consumers and advocates alike.

Under the leadership of Principal Solicitor Faith Cheok and project management by Solicitor Gemma Mitchell, the website upgrade project has finally seen fruition. Many of our staff and volunteer paralegals contributed to the project.   In particular, Gemma worked tirelessly for a countless number of hours on the project, coordinating with Burning Fruit, the developer.

At the launch, Gemma provided a laudable demonstration of the website, in spite of internet issues at Parliament House. Our guests, including The Hon. Michael Mischin, commented on how fantastic our website resource was.

Since the upgrade last year, we have had over 7000 visits; that means over 1000 visits per month.

Do explore our new, easy-to-navigate website at To cater to different learning styles, there are fact sheets, flow-charts, auto-letters and audio visual tools on our practice areas of law.

We designed the website for West Australians with all levels of literacy and technological skills.

Our next project will be to make the Fact Sheets even more accessible, by creating voice-over and text in videos. We aim to make the information easier for people with literacy and disability issues.

CCLSWA thanks The Hon. Michael Mischin and all our guests who attended. We greatly appreciate your support for our work in assisting disadvantaged West Australians.


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