Bellamore’s journey began in Burundi, during the war. At the tender age of 10, she embarked on a life-changing migration to Australia, forging her path as a young person of African descent in a foreign land. Over the years, she has embraced her unique background to become a catalyst for change and empowerment in her community.
With an impressive 13 years of experience dedicated to working with young people in WA, Bellamore has made a resounding impact as a trailblaser. As the first black female AFL Coach in Australia, she broke barriers and opened doors for aspiring athletes from diverse backgrounds. Her tenacity and passion for fostering inclusivity led her to serve as a Youth Ambassador and the 16 Days in WA Ambassador, actively advocating to end violence against women. Bellamore’s commitment to empowering the next generation extends beyond sports, as she took on the influential role of chairing Western Australia’s inaugural Youth Ministerial Advisory Council.
Her innovative thinking and dedication to positive change has earned a reputation as a competent freelance agent, guiding young talents towards influential roles and elite opportunities across Australia. Currently, Bellamore holds multiple positions of influence, representing the voices of young people as an advisor and consultant. Bellamore’s typical day begins at Ishar Multicultural Women’s Health Service as a youth advocate and educator and ends with her training young girls in AFL. Her involvement in the WA Police African Leaders Advisory Group showcases Bellamore’s ability to bridge the gap between marginalised communities and government agencies. As a youth advocate, Bellamore collaborates closely with WA Police, Youth Justice, and WA hospitals, working tirelessly to ensure young people from marginalised backgrounds get heard, supported, and empowered to reach their full potential.