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Home > Our Supporters

Our Supporters

Our Funders

CCLS is funded by the Commonwealth and Western Australian governments through the National Legal Assistance Program.

In 2023, we also received generous support from Lotterywest to enable us to move to and fitout our new premises.

With funding from Consumer Protection through the Department of Mines, Energy, Industry, Regulation and Safety, we also launched the WA Consumer Advocacy Network (WACAN) in May, 2024. 

CCLS is very excited to announce that we were successful in receiving a grant from the Law Society, Public Purposes Trust, to pilot a Financial Abuse Legal Service commencing in July 2024 with funds for a 12-month period.

We express immense gratitude to our supporters, whose invaluable support enables us to provide assistance to individuals in WA facing financial and consumer law challenges. Without them, our ability to help those in need would be severely compromised.

Other supporters

CCLS continues to partner with a wide spectrum of providers to deliver best outcomes for consumers. Our co-location with Circle Green and Women’s Legal Services WA will enable us to share services, undertake warm referrals and join law reform activities.

We continue to benefit from our pro bono partnerships for intern opportunities, secondments and case work for complex matters.

CCLS provide ongoing representation at regulators, ombudsman and industry forums, conferences and events.

We partner with other community legal centres and community organisations to deliver community legal education in financial and consumer law matters.

We work with other key stakeholders at a state and national level on campaigns that support legal and policy reforms for all consumers.

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