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Consumer Credit Legal Service WA Logo, pictured with a vector of WA with a 'tick' inside

The Shield: February 2022

This month we said farewell and thank you to two key members of our staff – our General Manager, Carol Child and our Office Manager, Allison Sampson.

We continued to expand the delivery of our Refreshing the Regions programme by delivering online sessions to Wheatbelt CLC and South West CLC. We offer the programme to all community legal centres in the state to refresh them on how our service works and how to go about referring clients to us.

We continued our law reform momentum from January, contributing to a joint submission with CHOICE, Consumer Action Law Centre, and WEstjustice, to the Treasury’s consultation on options for improving the effectiveness of the Australian Consumer Law (ACL). We also endorsed Australian Communications Consumer Action Network’s submission calling for stronger consumer protection and information on how the ACL applies to phone and internet consumers, and we joined with other consumer advocates to respond to the OAIC review of the Privacy (Credit Reporting) Code.

Click here to read the newsletter in full.




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