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CCLSWA submissions for AFCA’s Rules Change Consultation

The Government recently announced plans to extend the remit of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) to review eligible financial complaints dating back to January 2008 (Legacy Complaints).

Recently CCLSWA took the opportunity to provide submissions to AFCA regarding the changes to its Rules and Operational Guidelines required in order to comply with the expanded jurisdiction.

Our recommendations focused on ensuring that the new section F of the Rules, and the Operational Guidelines:

  • are easy for consumers to comprehend and avoid confusion by being written in plain English;
  • provide relevant information that is clear and concise; and
  • explain the approaches that will be applied to the assessment of Legacy Complaints.

Read our full submission here.

The Financial Counsellors’ Association of Western Australian and the Community Legal Centres Association WA have endorsed the submission.



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